Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

@duramax747, I look forward to more, especially images. That you were using CS 5i’s is of special interest, as I’ve been a long time admirer of that particular model.


The CS 5i delivers thunderous bass with impact and authority. Not that it is a one trick pony and deficient in the the other frequencies but the bottom end ir very rare to hear in a speaker like this. 

The CS 7.2 has a 12" woofer whereas the CS 5i utilizes three 8" as I'm sure your're aware. The CS 5i bass is faster. The bass notes are more dynamic and hit you quickly reaching its peak, then dissipating in reverse fashion to utter silence.

I equate this to a head jolting acceleration in a Koenigsegg to 100 mph then to a dead stop. Exhilarating.



I apologize in advance for many of you who have heard this before . . . I am a big fan of the sealed bass in the CS3 and 5 series. In fact, Thiel was philosophically committed to sealed bass in its upper models, while allowing reflex bass in its lesser models with the cost savings reflected in the lower sell prices. The main advantage I see in sealed bass (whether equalized or not) is the phase / time coherence all the way down to the low limit, and then 12dB/octave to  subsonics. That is radically different from reflex bass which attenuates the woofer at 24dB at its bottom and the port at 24dB at its bottom and top rolloffs. That puts the foundational deep bass a full wavelength behind the upper frequencies. That's 20+ feet, depending on actual tuned frequency. Philosophically that runs contrary to Thiel's committment to wavefront integrity.

When that direction was coming to be in the 3.6, the mood was more relating to what others' products (even with 6-figure prices) were getting away with. Some of us are more sensitive to the philosophical integrity, and others notice the sonic discontinuity of reflex bass. Note that Thiel reflex bass is executed as well as I've heard it. Look at the clean graphs and the tight tuning. But . . . it's still not the real thing.


2nd- that is quite a sweet collection of Thiel loudspeakers. Nice score! on model CS 1.6

I look forward in learning more about your Musical tastes and gear in the Test Room.


Happy Listening!


Thank You for the early adopter/roll-out on Models CS1 - CS 3/3.5 loudspeakers.

It must be pretty cool to discover fans and owners of CS1 and CS2 speakers, after all of these years. Keep up the excellent R&D.


Happy Listening!