Nicely curated system, jmeyers, grats!
Of similar age, I relate to audio restlessness, especially linked with great passion for our hobby. For me, it does NOT indicate we are not fully enjoying our systems, rather, it's again time to move closer towards our goals. I find this quite normal in a fully engaging hobby, and exciting! As for finding your system's "deficiencies" creative wife Mary's mantra, "Perfection is God's."
I find, there is always something we can do to move forward. Here's another vote for the BACCH crosstalk cancellation. I've been using the u-BACCH Plug-In version for nearly a year and it simply "freshens" everything. Can a purist quibble? Always. Early on, studio recordings of great familiarity can sound "different." Over months, I've come to enjoy the newness and find it endlessly fun. Extremely well produced music with minimal production and miking benefit most, in my experience. Think 2L, ECM, Red House Records, DG, Proprius, RR, and of course, SOME of the old RCA Living Stereos quickly come to mind. The Mercurys can be exceptional!:
A Fine Art: The Mercury Living Presence Recordings |
In The Absolute Sound's recent July/August review of the Dutch & Dutch 8c loudspeakers by Reviewer Andrew Quint, he says, "...To my ears, at least when it comes to 'extent of resolution,' in most rooms for most listeners, you're getting 80% of what c-BACCH is capable of delivering." Quint owns the c-BACCH.
I've not heard the c-BACCH, however, the 80% just might be my preference. Center-fill remains natural, holography, depth, width and height, intimacy become grand. Most important, for me, tonality improves. Onwards!
More Peace Pin (bold print for aging eyes)