My system currently consists of the following:  

1. Martin Logan 11A impression hybrid electrostatic speakers. 

2. Bryston 4B3 cubed power amplifier

3. Rogue Audio RP-1 preamp

4. Lumin U2 mini transport streamer

5. Chord Qutest Dac

Happy with the sound, but on many tracks on Qoboz the sound especially on rock leaves a lot to be desired. This could be the function of the source itself (the recording) is poor. Would a better DAC yield more detail and better sound? My price limit is about $5000.00.  Not looking to buy used. Wish to work with a dealer because I have found them to be incredibly helpful. Also looking for a company that provides phone customer support. There is nothing like a conversation or a discussion to solve an issue. I understand that my view is a minority view out there. As we are in a self-service world.  But I am used to a person picking up the phone and asking how can I help you?  Any thoughts would be sincerely appreciated.  Thank you. 



Let me add a voice to the chorus on replacing the stock tubes in the RP1. I have the RP7, and a swap to RCA blackplates resulted in a world of difference in clarity, extension, and soundstage. 

One more pitch on tubes. Eliminating the J&J’s was the most sonically positive impact I ever made to my system. Much more than electronics, phono cartridge/stage, DAC, steamer, cables, power cords etc. Each of my new tube sets provide an excellent, strong & unique sonic signature. 

As others have said, your planned DAC change may improve your sonics, but with diminishing returns, the improvements will more than likely be subtle & not address your issue.

The J&J’s are like bottom of the line Shiit. They may be the best $12.50 tubes that money can buy, but IMHO do not belong in any quality system.

+1 in trying a better power supply with the qutest.

however, try to do this in terms of priority. My educated guess is that you’ll see much greater improvements by changing your tubes than with the LPS or another new dac.

+1 on the Audio Mirror Tubadour iV ...takes a bad recording to another level...still a level down from good recordings...noticed this last night listening to an old Cream recording...dense texture and a really large sound stage.