Worth purchasing Accuphase P-300, C-200 and T-100?

Love vintage sound and look. Very happy with my current vintage setup. 

Just found a complete one owner with boxes Accuphase setup. All pieces are in great shape, work perfectly and have been loved their whole life. Also found a Luxman setup, that is also pulling my money from my wallet. 

Right now I have a Hitachi FET setup, that sounds wonderful! It took me a year to find all the pieces, but Accuphase has always pulled me in. Anyone have this setup? Any words of wisdom? What should I look out for or test out? What would the street value be for all 3 pieces? 


I used to own P-300, C-200 combo in the ‘80s. Fond memories, driving IMF transmission lines. You’ll get a very clean, not overly dynamic sound with good soundstaging. If you are into classical or jazz: go for it, if into house and grunge rock: look elsewhere.

Interesting, not dynamic. Would say my listing is more grunge, with a double side of blues. Might like what I have more, maybe should keep saving up for McIntosh. 

You should in my mind also look at some Chord amps from the UK. It’s what Abbey Road Studios use and they know a thing or two about yur kind of music.