Any Experience with Furutech Unfiltered Power Distributors

Has anyone had experiences with either the Furutech e-TP609 NCF or the GTO- D2 or D3 NCF?

These are unfiltered passive power conditioners and distributors.


@jfrmusic I haven’t tried these but I use Furutech GTX-D NCF outlets in my system. And that is what you will get with these units. 

In my experience - 

1. These outlets have an impact on sound quality. Could potentially be a negative impact as you get an increase in resolution (in your system it most likely won’t sound bad), clarity and treble extension. The bass tightens up. It also appears to reduce noise.

2. You haven’t experienced a break in until you experience a break in with a Furutech GTX-D NCF. It’s an absolutely psychotic rollercoaster that lasts over 300hrs. 

How an outlet does all this, I have no explanation. But I experienced it twice with each one I installed 

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