Do high dollar mono blocks truly improve the Sound Quality over the mid tier amps

I'm currently running a pair of Classe Delta Mono"s to drive my Wilson Alexx V's.  IMO they sound wonderful with plenty of power.  I've been considering upgrading these amps to the next price/quality level.  My biggest concern is whether I'll get the level of improvement in SQ that will move the needle.  I'd love to hear from folks who have made this move in their systems or heard comparisons at shows or dealers.  


I recently upgraded from JC1 monos to a CH Precision M1.1.  The differences are shocking, as they should be for the price difference.  :)

I suspect your system will improve greatly with the right amp.

I recently upgraded from JC1 monos to a CH Precision M1.1. The differences are shocking, as they should be for the price difference. :)

what was the shocking difference you heard? could you put it in words?

20k --> 100k --> 5x needle movement?


Unfortunately, no one in this thread has responded to my question directly based on direct personal experience with an upgrade.

@skinzy I did. Apparently you didn't consider my answer valid, even though it was based on exactly what you asked about. I gave you an accurate answer; in case it was not obvious it can be boiled down to this: 'It depends.'

I gave the reasons why. Put another way, going up the line may or may not be an improvement; its entirely possible that something far less expensive might sound better.

I can go into the technical reasons why this is so if you are interested.



Your points are well taken but how can anyone tell you if a higher priced amp will "move the needle" if you are not specific about the replacement in question and the only specification that seems to matter is the cost? Yes, higher priced amps should produce better SQ, but this will not always be the case. And even if I had the history of personally comparing some pricier amps with your Classe's, my opinion should only be a guideline; it's only your opinion that matters. Best of luck.

I recently upgraded from JC1 monos to a CH Precision M1.1. The differences are shocking, as they should be for the price difference. :)

what was the shocking difference you heard? could you put it in words?

20k --> 100k --> 5x needle movement?

$20k --> $60k (M1.1 in stereo is not $100k) 

3X the performance, difficult to quantify but absolutely worth the $ IMO.

Top to bottom it's just much more transparent, more detail, more precision/focus.  Soundstage has more depth, all the stuff I had hoped for it delivered.