going to try and reboot Audirvana today. Hoping that does the trick. Also noticed that Qobuz subscription ends in 4 days, have to address that, thanks for the reminder. Will get back to everyone soon with an update. Tks Not sure how to perform shutting it down, and then reopening it. Will figure it out.
After a hellacious day yesterday, I am asking for help. Don't know how to be brief!! To answer your previous questions, Music resides streaming from Qobuz. Computer a Windows 10 based, Ethernet hardwired, connected to Bricasti M1 SE DAC, and a USB cable also. My wife and I brought the computer in the house yesterday to access what was going on. We started the laptop up, nothing connected to it. All wi-fi. We opened up Qobus and it played perfectly, NO issues. We then opened Audirvana, and crossed our fingers and it played perfectly (WE WERE AMAZED, based on previous) No drop offs, shortened songs, etc. The previous listening was done at the dining room table, from the internal $.50 speakers on the laptop and its own DAC. Now feeling confident we took laptopt to my main listening area. Hooked it up via USB to DAC and Ethernet already plugged into the rear of Bricasti DAC with Network Card. Also, separately Hardwired via Etherent (probably overkill) to laptop.
We now went Via USB setting on DAC to listen to Qobuz and it played GREAT! No issues. We then opened Audirvana and changed DAC to its proper setting to stream Audirvana. None of the music loaded, I usually go to ALBUMS and then choose songs to play and listen to music. Audirvana opened , but NO Albums loaded. The screen was blank. My wife then started some trouble shooting. I think she went to settings. In between she got pop-ups,(several) they referenced Offline Mode, need to restart the application? Another was Audirvana_Studio.dmp, which also indicatedDMPfile(1.1MB) Also stated what Firefox should do with this file, with a OK box and save file indicator, not sure what happened next. SOMEHOW my wife managed to get ALL the ALBUMS I have downloaded to appear. I thought we were good to go, as this screen looked just like the one you would normally get when Audirvana opened, and was working properly. However, when a song was decided on, it would NOT PLAY,period. We were mystified, and heart broken. Hours were spent up until this point. We asked ourselves how could this laptop hooked up to NOTHING earlier play both Qobus and Audirvana and now just Qobus, via USB and No audirvana streaming. Both subscriptions are fully paid. When it worked, Audirvana was well worth the extra money, my wife agreed. Now we are both exhausted, instead of enjoying ourselves arguing. We are at wits end. Please help us. We are both older and not real computer savvy. I hope we have given you enough information. Thanks, Robert and Sylvia Shaw
Your possible options:
1. Contact Audirvana support. See if they can fix it or provide suggestions
2. Uninstall Audirvana and reinstall it. See if that helps
3. Try Roon free for 30 days. All your downloads will get pulled into Roon library when you set it up (it’s easy to do). I used Bricasti M3 with network card as roon end point without a single technical issue. If Roon works well for you, ditch Audirvana.
You can also download Mconnect but it won’t stream your downloads.
Thanks to all. I wish i had good news to report. I read all your responses and suggestions, and appreciated your time, My wife and I uninstalled Audirvana, and then reinstalled same. No issues on either end. However, Would load the music and show icons of albums just as expected. Then hit play a particular song and the timer would start, but, no sound. My wife who is more schooled in computer things than I, explored all sound settings in Audirvana and within all computer settings. Tried just Quboz via USB, played perfectly and sounded great as usual. Must be a glitch somewhere, so close, you know the rest. I bought my Bricasti from Verdant Audio in NJ. I called him yesterday, and he was so helpful or tried to be( for over an HOUR) It was so nice to speak to a human (caring one) for the interaction. He suggested what most of you did. I would love to stay with Audirvana for the sound,but, with NO human interaction to fix my issue I cannot, what a shame. I know it would cost more money for an 800 number, but they are going to lose a subscriber, maybe they don't care? (CUSTOMER SERVICE IS SO IMPORTANT TO ME) I don't know? Roon may be my next experiment, Or may just stream Qobuz/USB with my rock and roll. A waste of a Network card though!!!! A simple walk through on the phone with a dedicated tech, would most likely solve the problem. Again thanks to all who took their time to help. Robert TN
Hi All - I'm new to much of this and you guys are quite informed. My problem is that about one-fifth of the songs or albums that seek to play, simply don't play. What I mean is that the album appears loaded and the seconds tick by, but no sound.
The Qobuz settings are on CD quality. Any thoughts?
BTW, my streamer and dac respectively are Innuos Zen-mini and Boarder Control. But I don't suspect that is the problem because 4/5th of the music I seek to play does play fine and it doesn't matter what the quality of the source music is.