JBL's Marketing Blunder..

This is such a bizarre JBL promo video portraying young women as ditzy airheads...certainly not the way to reach younger blood and expand the customer base.


Here's a retort from the Audioholics channel

JBL Ad portrays Gen Z women as Idiots?!

I suppose JBL will try and do just fine by selling the same things over and over to a shrinking aged male customer base. Good luck JBL!


The video was like for a sheltered woke student  that is clueless.

JBL should pull the dumb ad and put a few women on their design team 

to invite. Them to enjoy music onthe same level as men .

women have been left out of music for decades ,sad but true..

I watched the whole video but didn't notice any "woke" signaling. Is that just a catch all phrase for "I don't like it" now?