Start with Upgrade to DAC?

I am ready to set out on an upgrade cycle to my system, which consists of the following, over the next couple of years:

* Rogue Audio RP-7 Preamp (Upgrades: Rogue RP-9 or McIntosh C2800--C2800 includes Phono preamp and DAC)

* Odyssey Kismet Monobloc Amplifiers (Keepers!)

* Lounge Audio LCR Gold phono preamp (Keeper!)

* Fyne Audio F-702 Speakers (Keepers!)

* Definitive Tech Supercube 6000 (Vandersteen Sub Three or Paradigm XR11)

* Schiit Bifrost 2/64 DAC (Schiit Yggydraseil or ????)

* NAD C568 CD Player used as transport (Schiit Urd or ???)

* iFi Zen Stream

*iPad Pro for Apple Music

* Ice Age Audio OFC Power Cords

* Audioquest and mostly Morrow Interconnects (RCA & XLR)

* Performance Audio Speaker Cables, using Mogami W3104 Speaker Wire

  I am thinking that perhaps the best place to start would be the DAC, with the idea of moving from the Bifrost 2/64, which I like, to the Yggdrasil (model TBD) DAC, which has gotten superb reviews that speak to sound quality characteristics that are of concern to me.  Budget for DAC upgrade is about $2500.  OR, should I go for room correction capability?

I recently replaced a highly-rated 100 wpc tube amplifier with the Odyssey mono blocs, and I was stunned by the improvement in sound quality, definition, and imaging, but I think there still is some room for improvement.

Thoughts and recommendations most welcome.

Post removed 

I’ll let that sorry ass attempt at an insult slide. Not worth the arguing for the reasons mentioned by me earlier. Have a nice night. 

Honestly though, my views are in the mainstream.

@mdalton If you think that your view that all streamers sound the same is in the mainstream you are seriously delusional. The vast, vast majority of people here clearly hear differences between streamers, and those differences are significant and not at all hard to hear so your inability to hear these differences is absolutely in the minority and most certainly not in the mainstream. No serious or experienced reviewer uses a $400 streamer in their reference system, so if all streamers have no sound as you maintain then according to you they’re all wasting their money or are kidding themselves. Likewise go to any audio show and you won’t find a sub $2000 streamer in the building — why is that if they make no difference? Face it, your position is in the extreme minority, and you come here telling people they make no difference and sadly some people may buy your story and not even try a better streamer, and that’s where you potentially do true harm here. People who have ears and use them, you aside, have heard the significant difference a better streamer can make and have voted with their wallets, and though you try to hide behind some tech theory to support your inability to hear those differences it doesn’t change the fact that the vast majority absolutely hear that you’re an outlier. Thankfully most people choose to use their own ears and will find their own truth despite your continued determination to tilt at windmills.

Jesus I hate when this crap happens, let’s talk audio

@vthokie83 I agree and initially just stayed silent while he spewed his crap, but when he belittles someone here who’s sharing an honest experience of hearing an improvement with a given streamer just because he doesn’t understand why and it doesn’t fit his shallow model of how things should work according to him, then that’s just lame and deserves a response IMO.



when was the last time you got laid? ... bottom line: i feel confident in my views, my logic, and my behavior.

Of course you’re confident!


@mdalton If you think that your view that all streamers sound the same is in the mainstream you are seriously delusional.

It’s obvious the guy has a problem, @soix.