Help - is Krell dead?

Hoping to get some cues from other owners. I have an older Krell KAV 280 CD Player that I really like. I am moving to Europe and tried to contact Krell to see if it can be switched to 220v (it is already 50/60hz). (Yes, i could buy a step-down transformer but i prefer converting it internally). No one picks up phones, the voicemail to some guy called Tim Rogers is full. Emails to servcie go unresponded. Does anyone know if there is some way to contact Krell? Dealers I have tried in NJ are also unable to is so strange. Many thanks for any help.


There were reports of customers waiting months for repairs with very poor communication, and this was before Rhondi’s tragic death, so especially if you’re relocating you might want to take this into consideration. 

I had to call months before Rhondi died and I had the same experience. I had to keep calling and finally one day Rhondi answered and was very friendly and helpful. Still, it's a sad thing when such a well reputed company operates like a start-up on a shoestring budget.

Any competent audio techo should be able to tell you quickly whether the voltage can be changed.

Thanks everyone for the responses and very sad to hear. It is also tragic to note that a legendary name in our beloved industry cannot support basic customer needs and voicemail boxes are filled out. No matter what, unacceptable. My unit is already sitting with RJ audio video in hackensack and he cannot figure it out. I just have to go the transformer route or sell the unit i guess…

I used George Meyer AV in Los Angeles to modify my Krell gear to UK standard. Quick turnaround, although it is across the country for you. They are Krell factory Authorized repair center.

Also, you are spot on not wanting to use a (Step-Up) transformer. They introduce noise in to the system, as well as add to the utility bill, which, in the Uk are much higher than the states.

Hope this helps.