Help - is Krell dead?

Hoping to get some cues from other owners. I have an older Krell KAV 280 CD Player that I really like. I am moving to Europe and tried to contact Krell to see if it can be switched to 220v (it is already 50/60hz). (Yes, i could buy a step-down transformer but i prefer converting it internally). No one picks up phones, the voicemail to some guy called Tim Rogers is full. Emails to servcie go unresponded. Does anyone know if there is some way to contact Krell? Dealers I have tried in NJ are also unable to is so strange. Many thanks for any help.



... 50 vs 60hz won’t make a real difference to listening experience in a CDP ...

It will make a huge difference if the CDP has a synchronous motor.

Creeds is correct! I brought absolutely nothing to the UK with a motor. The motor will die. Amps and Pre-amps ar fine - you will have to get a new CDP -As well as the CD standard is different in the EU than it is in the states-  I just don’t remember what the difference is - I think they are ‘zoned’ media.

Also, you will really notice an improvement in your gear due to the better power here in the UK. That was a very pleasant surprise.

Good luck with everything - You may also inquire about getting new Caps while it is there. I did and it was like having new gear. Breaking in again kind of blew, but worth it in the end - depending on the age and usage of yours.

@gotolondon2 ,

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