Well, I tried...drilled my hole and then I printed out the gauge from the VivLabs RF manual which is available online. Next I tried a Jubilee. But if this is going to work, it probably needs a conventional cartridge. So I played an album I know well with a Sussurro MkII mounted conventionally, then swapped it onto the underhung arm, set VTF and alignment with the Viv protractor and played it again. It didn't sound as good! Much less bass (in each case I had the arm set to be horizontal when the stylus is on the record). Same VTF, same associated equipment, same arms except for the alignment. Anti-skate set to zero for the underhung arm. I'm surprised, but maybe I did something wrong somewhere, the cartridge looks straight and aligned with the length of the tonearm, but maybe I was just a little off with my drill? I'll play some more, but for now I've put the Sussurro back where it came from. More experimentation required!