Can even a Novice hear differences in Sound Qualit

Just wanted to relate an experience I recently had with a friend of mine. Those that have read my Threads before, have heard me wax enthusiastically about a DIANA KRALL-The Look of Love-DVD Audio Disk. The Recording has a Multi-Channel Surround Sound version Recorded in 24-bit/96 kHz. The Disk is being played through a Pioneer DV-58AV Universal Player, connected to a SpaceTechLab A-102 Vacuum Tube Headphone Amp, Driving a pair of Grado RS-1 Headphones. Only having 2-Channel capability, the Pioneer can Downmix the Multi-Channel version to two. A 65 year old friend of mind, not an Audiophile with limited hearing, was given a chance to listen to this Recording. His jaw had dropped to the floor. After listening for five minutes, he took the Headphones off and said "why don't they make all of them sound as good"? This Man was unimpressed with the multiple 2-Channel SACD/2-Channel Hi-Rez DVD-Audio Disks that he has heard on this Pioneer. The only thing that I can say is "out of the mouth of Babes...."! Sorry to keep harping on the point, but I believe that this is the only solution to the lack of Harmonic Content on all 2-Channel Digital Recordings, no matter the sampling rate. I also believe that it is the only solution to closing the gap of Harmonic Content between Analog and Digital, minus the ticks and pops. It would be a damn shame to lose it!
Alright, I am not through, had you going for a minute! Imagine the Recording Industry as the Prosecution in a Court of Law, the American Buying Public as the Defendant, and supposing for a moment that I was the Defense Attourney. Now I am trying my best to represent my clients best interest, and save his own neck. My Client, Apathetic to no end, tries at every turn to pull out the rug, and undermine my case at every turn. Demands that the best Defense is to do nothing, don't try, just roll over! The Prosecution observes this with glee, and sees the door wide open to drive a Semi-Truck through! My Client simply rolls out the Red Carpet! Now, I am so heartbroken that everyone feels sooo Empathetic to boosting the Recording Industries Profits, even if it means cutting our own throats in Sound Quality to help them out in any way we can! This is certainly very Charitable, and conciderate of everyone! What is this, serving yourself up to Jack-The-Ripper because you feel sorry for him? I admire the sacrifice, even though I am kind of astonished at the plea to join in that sacrifice! You have got to be kidding me! What I want is suggestions, alternatives, plans, input to alter this condition, because your current plan is completely unacceptable(who are we kidding, it is completely nuts!). I will not accept physically being gutted by the Recording Industry like a Pig, simply because there is a lack of a plan for an alternative! I suggest you get off of your apathetic __s, and find one, because I refuse, unlike you, to be gutted! Hey, everyone, you don't have to fall on your Swords for the sake of Recording Industries Profits!
"But we don't have a plan for an alternative, therefore we just have to go through with it"!
Who do you think you are kidding, F-i-n-d a-n A-l-t-e-r-n-a-t-i-v-e, you have nothing else to loose! Perhaps you prefer Death to improved Sound Quality, well your Recording Industry Masters couldn't be happier. They feed their Profits on your Apathy, why do you want to offer them your Blood as well? What exactly is your exsisting plan, to start sacrificing Virgins to the Great Recording Industry Gods! Who wants to be first in line to offer up their Daughters, after all, according to you, it's a Priveledge. No Sacrifice is too great for the Recording Industries Profits! This is the status quo you prefer, because you are too apathetic to even try to help come up with an alternative plan? Well, I guess that the Daughter has just got to go then, no one else has a plan, gonna miss her! Damn those Demographics, it's all their fault!
Absolute Pure Sociopathic behavior, heavy on the Masochistic and Sadistic Elements. Come up with an alternate plan other than beating your own backs to a bloody pulp for the sake of Recording Indusry Profits. Start demanding higher Sound Quality Standards, what a clever Plan that is! What have I got to do, try to convince you that you might save a little Blood that way?
He also gave me free will, to take risks to lose my Soul if I so choose. I haven't always made the best of choices in this regard, perhaps I am not the only one. Pushing the Envelope, going past an Event Horizon without any chance of ever going back, is probably not the best of choices. It is sort of like God saying, "Now you have really done it, and you knew the risks, you are on your own"!
hi pettyofficer:

making a mountain out of a mole hill ?

take a course in anger management . it's not a big deal. if you don't like the product don't buy it.

take up another hobby. why don't you run for president in 2012 ?