Speakers on top of subwoofer

Is mounting a speaker on top of a sub a bad idea?  Specifically, a Harbeth 40.x mounted with isolators on each corner so the cabinet can flex/breath on top of a Rythmyk E15  I have a limited amount of floor space and the Rythmyk is a little taller than a Tonteger which is a good thing since the Tons are a little short to place the tweeter around my ear height.  


Definitive pioneered combining loudspeakers and subs in the same cabinet for decades and Golden Ear is doing this as well. I haven’t seen any complaints about them.

The optimal location for a subwoofer (low bass transducer) is usually never at the optimal location for a speaker (imaging and so on). The primary objective with a subwoofer is to get it married to the room...not anything else...

Golden Ear didn’t defy any physics and produce some kind of acoustic miracle.... What it does is a awkward compromise to cater to some low info dinosaurs who believe music listening should be done without subwoofers...

If you are placing speakers on top of a sub (at the same spot), it is a wasted opportunity in most circumstances.