32 pairs of speaker and RCA cables measured and listened to

I am not sure if this has been posted here before, but this is pretty interesting. 

These guys measured and (blind) listened to, 32 pairs of RCA cables and speaker cables. And found both measurable and audible differences. 


RCA cables measured and blind test

Speaker cables measured and blind test


No surprise here, cables sound different. 

The deniers either can’t hear well or have non resolving stereos.


I didn't read the entire articles, but yeah.....what @tom2015 said.

I guess the results show that cables do measure differently.

I'm not surprised, but don't really care that much either. I choose my cables based on how they sound, not on how they measure.

I'd like to see various member's opinions on what parameters they would measure to judge the performance of an interconnect.  

None, as this study shows, there is no clear correlation between measurements to a specific sound signature. Much faster to plug them in and to listen.