DAC options to consider for Innuos streamer

I currently listen to music through Qobuz with an Innuos Zen Mini Mk III as a server and Roon core.  Rather than the Mini DAC I use the DA2 DAC module in my McIntosh MA8950 integrated amp.  My speakers are Sonus faber Olympica Nova IIIs.  I enjoy the sound quality of this system.


When I upgrade my streamer to an Innuos Pulsar, what DACs might I consider that would be an upgrade from the DA2 module and would complement my system?


I have an Innuos Pulse with the Innuos Phoenix USB (together they are similar to the Pulsar) going into a PS Audio DirectStream Mk 1.  I have enjoyed the combination, but realized there was more to pull out of my system.  Yesterday I ordered a Bricasti M1S2.  This should be my final DAC for many years.

The Innuos products deserve excellent DACs.  My understanding is the Innuos listening room uses the Statement NG going streaming into the Chord M-Scaler, then the Dave.  Lots of bucks there.

Mola Mola Tambaqui is great sounding for the money.  I am using Zenith SE with mine.

A few recommendations:

1.  The Innuos greatly benefits from isolation:  Nordost SortKones (BC or better yet TC) and even better Stillpoints.

2.  Synergistic Research fuses on both.

3.  Get a really great USB cable.

4.  And… most importantly:  The Innuos Sense app sounds significantly better than the Roon (I use both as I prefer the Roon experience but Sense SQ is superior).  If you are going to use the Roon: try converting the output from flac to DSD64 or DSD128 inside of the Roon system.  I have found this results in the most natural sound and best overall SQ for Roon…  The Tambaqui loves DSD signal!  But even this doesn’t quite get to Sense level.

Good luck!

I own an Innuos Zenith MK II SE as mentioned by psnyder149. I agree with his comments in particular that the Sense OS sounds much better than Roon. I have recently tested in my system more than a dozen DACs from $5k-$25k. I selected what I believe offered the best SQ at the best price in my system, in my treated room. I decided on a T+A DC 200. That said, I thought the following DAC's were excellent and have great synergy with the Innuos, Meitner DA2, Meitner MA3, Bricasti M1 SE, Tambaqui. I felt the differences in SQ between these DACs and others I have tested but not mentioned where not so significant as to justify spending multiples in dollars for seemingly subtle differences between them. Just my experience and IMHO. I hope this helps. Just because you may be wondering what system components I am using. Tekton Double Impact speakers, Hegel H390, Ansuz C2 power distribution and cabling, Innuos Zenith Mk II SE, Innuos reclocker. Room 14x25x8. I hope this is helpful. Good luck.