Equalizer in a Hi Fi system

Just curious to hear everyone’s opinions on using an equalizer in a high end hi fi system. Was at work tonight and killing time and came across a Schitt Loki max $1500 Equalizer with some very good reviews. What are some of the pros / Benefits and cons in using one. Just curious. BTW. I’m talking about a top of the line. Hi end equalizer. Mostly to calm some high frequencies and some bad recordings. 

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman

Just 1 quick observation, and i know it`s only YouTube and also early days, but so far listening to demo`s of the Wes ng i just don`t YET hear the same HF purity and sparkle as i hear in demo`s with the Charter Oak where HF always seems to sound pretty damn nice!  But don`t want to judge anything on this so i shall eagerly await your own real life observations which i think i can trust. 

Pete, THANK YOU for your kindest of words!  Yes this whole thing when implemented correctly is a great passion of mine. Using this gear really opens up the too often boxed, sterile sound of the straight signal. I listen to a lot of rock and for this genre I cannot live without high end EQ. It’s that simple!  Yes, the loudness switch on my old Kenwood integrated was a gem as well. I used it ‘on’ while putting a JVC 10 band in the tape loop back in the 80’s, and that is what started my journey that I’ve been on ever since. Many years ago I resurrected that exact 80’s stereo and compared it sonically to the CO Bryston combo. As much as I loved that old stereo, the modern day set up blew it away. Even without a loudness switch!  So I would say to you thank you, and you’re on the right track. I will provide feedback on the Wes next week. Very much look forward to doing so!

Regarding the YouTube videos, they are somewhat helpful, but ultimately one needs the gear in one’s home on one’s system. Yes, my 2 CO’s have that amazing treble dial, with its sparkle and beauty. The Michelangelo did that really really well also. CO could hit deeper and harder with the bass dials though. Without noticeable phase effects/ mids blurring. The MA could do same up to a point. Really great piece of kit it is as well. 

Last comment, Pete, on your comments on how the treble sounded on the YouTube videos of Mike Deming demoing the Charter Oak. Mike used broad bells for all the bands. No shelf filters. My experience comparing the CO with the Avalon and Millennia EQs was that for HF boosts, bell sounds more natural than shelf. I love that the Wes gives you that option on every band, including HF band. I am hoping your YouTube observations with HF with the Wes involved them demoing a treble shelf, not bell. 

Yes i think we are on the same page and i am on the right track as you say.

Hey there is currently a 2018 PEQ-1 similar to yours on Reverb. Serial 1186.

Any good?