If Furutech, WBT et al start making $500 Speakon connectors, they may yet become the audiophile standard.
Are you in marketing? What a great idea! Create a new "audiophile standard" that almost nobody currently uses so that almost everybody would have to purchase the new standard to avoid audiophile FOMO!
Since I have used spades without fail for the past 40 years, this is like so many other audiophile products in that it sort of solves a problem not in evidence (IMO), even though I would not argue that Speakon connectors are better. Of course, the ring connector idea also solves the same problem but the binding post and connector people have never collaborated on a consistent/universal size for the hole and the post. A simple screw post and nut holding a ring connector and we would have never needed fancy spring loaded bananas or multiple types and sizes of spades.