Running supply voltage of 60/60 - Vs - 120/Neutral

With the power system im running now, it supplys power at 60 volts and 60 volts each leg, Versus the nominal 120 volt and neautral, im curious as to what the benifits and problems that this may cause for audio equipment, with running no neutral, i get this off of the isolation transformer, as part af a large power system with battery backup to insure than nothing frys in the event of surges and electrical storms, could this possibly cause a better "balance" and maybee increas audio quality? it's definatly a safer system as you would not get shocked unless you touched both legs at the same time.
in addition to improved line transient protection, your balanced AC supply line offers increased common mode noise rejection over the traditional unbalanced commercial power source. A possible downside may be an increased supply line impedance: associated with dynamic headroom constraints.
Some gear has polarity sensitive filtering in it and going to a balanced AC system may negate many of the specific design attributes of such a design. Contact the manufacturers of the gear that you are running and discuss it with them before going any further. Anything less could be experimenting at your cost. Sean
Hi Sean it appears that Luke already has his balanced power setup in place; BTW isn't your own AC supplied via a balancing transformer? I recall your traveling to (Ohio was it?) a couple of years ago due to a bargain find on 2kva transformers. Wish that I had been working at the time but I was off for a year updating my data networking education; otherwise I would have liked to try one! So Luke if your reserach dictates that you'd be better off without then please do let me know...
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