Mcintosh Separates...

Hi Folks,

I am considering a Mac C220 pre amp and an MC 252 power amp to match it to from my dealer. Is this a good upgrade from an MA 6500 integrated that I've loved/owned? My dealer says separates are better sonically than the integrated. I want to believe him, but I also hear integrateds have come a LONG way! So, please share your ideas/thoughts on this, and what advantages I could expect by upgrading. Many thanks...Brian.
I listed to the MA7000 and the C220/MC252 combo a couple of weeks ago at a dealer. I thought the MA7000 sounded better, even though its based on the same amp. It was clearer in the highs, more detailed, but still very refined sounding. I thought the C220 sounded un-naturally warm by comparison.
You may be right! I talked with Chuck at Mcintosh who feels the integrateds are very close in comparison to their separates. Too close to justify the cost difference perhaps. Interesting.
The frequency responce of the autoformer used in the MA7000 extends to 100khertz which is much greater than the responce of the amp section. It also allows the amp to operate into optomum impedence always, ensuring stable operation. Just listen and enjoy, you won't be disappointed!
The MA7000 should sound better than the C220/MC252 for several reasons. You will eliminate one cable between amp and pre. I spoke to Mac before purchasing my MA7000, they told me the amp section of the MA7000 is a redesign of the 252 and sounds better. I wonder if your dealer has done a direct A/B of these components? I doubt it! Lastly the seperates will cost a couple grand more than the MA7000.