Modwright Transporter VS Opera Droplet 5.0 CDP.

I have heard the Droplet 5.0 and like it very much. It is now is available with a coaxial digital input designed to go with a new 24/96 streaming product from the same company called the Digital Box 1.0. With these two products linked you end up with a streaming solution not unlike what the MWT offers.

The main similarities are between them as I see it are - 24/96 streaming, tube based output, true balanced connections, and price.

I am interested in hearing from anyone who has heard both the Droplet 5.0 (with or without a streaming device attached) and also heard the MWT. My only interest is to know which sounds better as both systems are almost identical in what they offer. Thanks for any help.
I see.
In that case ..... Droplet 5.0 looks like very interesting piece.

Droplet I own (almost 2yo) works/sounds great and it would be hard to get rid of. For what you have in mind, I have two HPA Red Wine Audio Isabella DACs on order (should be finished in a week) but Opera's new approach seems very intrigue to say the least.

As a side note -
I have used Droplet 5.0 as a stand alone CDP and as a transport with Isabellina DAC build-in my Isabella preamp (now traded towards the HPA)
[RWA HPA works as a digital preamp with volume control and remote. As much as I liked my RWA Isabella pre, I will be better of with two HPAs since I separated my analog and digital rig in both systems]

Modwight TP has its own followers and it shouldn't be a surprise. Personally, I do not recall hearing MTP recently so I can't make any meaningful suggestions except that I am not giving up on my silver disks ......... even with up coming RWA HPAs (it also has USB in).

Few other ideas that come to mind are:

- wait a bit for new squeezebox touch with native handling of 24/96 files
(I'm sure mods for it will come soon after its release in US ) + DAC
- new Modwright Oppo BDP 83 mods

Anyway - it's you who has to figure out what's best for your system.

I haven't heard either of these, but the relative bad press Consonance has gotten around here lately in regard to customer service, reliability, etc., would make me lean toward the modwright, which gets almost universally high praise. Of course, there are other options as well. I use a Resolution Audio Opus 21, that has a digital in and also does 24/96. I use a modded Squeezebox streaming device into the Opus with great results. As indicated, a 24/96 capable Squeezebox Touch is to be released soon, that may be a good option for you.
Thanks Cruz. Consonance has certainly taken a caning with their reputation there in the US. I have heard similar claims about reliability here in Australia but luckily the local distributer has been able to resolve all warranty issues without issue. I guess Australia being a much smaller market that it is an easier proposition for the dealer to deal with warranty claims.. dunno . Added to that the main issues such as overheating and transport issues have been largely fixed, or so I am told.
One reason I am trying to get a comparison between the MWT and the Droplet is because both are fully balanced. I can't find much information on wether the Squeezebox Touch is or not.
Touch is a streaming device which needs external DAC (for quality playback) to process the digital files from your PC..
All you need is a DAC with balance out if that is what you had in mind.


I believe that it has been already released in "Outback" - U.S will have to wait.