OPPO 83 and Benchmark DAC 1

Anyone has used Benchmark DAC 1 with OPPO Bluray 83? Kindly share your opinions if they are good match on audio. thanks!
Sorry, the Oppos are ok transports but nothing more. I tried a 970 (or 980?) a year or so ago with my Benchmark DAC1 and it basically matched an older Sony NS 500 sacd/cd/dvd player ($225) I also use. But, no way did either the OPPO or Sony produce as good a sound with the Benchmark as my Mark Levinson no.37 transport. Not as good bass, transparency, drive/rhythm, etc. -- the difference was quite noticeable.

Regardless of what Benchmark says and others believe, there is a difference in sound when using different transports. Others have found the same thing - do a search on AudioAsylum. BTW, power cable quality matters too.

That said, the DAC1 still sounds excellent with cheaper transports.
I believe the posting is if the Oppo and DAC1 are a good combo. Hell yes.
Regardless of what Benchmark says and others believe, there is a difference in sound when using different transports.
I "think" there are other factors that can make these differences be different with different setups. (Way to much use of the word "different"!) Whereby one hears differences in transports where another in their setup doesn't experience this, hence disagreements and confusion.


In response, I think this forum is to provide additional information, experience and insight, and not simply provide one word or two word replies such as "good", "not good", etc. Hence my reply, which also included the comment that the DAC1 sounds excellent with cheaper transports, which is what the Oppo is. So, my reply did address the original post.

For Brianmrgrarcom, agreed that different systems may produce different results, and that factors other than the transports themselves may account for this difference. In my case, and in my set up, there were no factors other than the transports that were changed. And, no way did the Oppo, Sony, and also a Teac, sound anywhere near as good as the Mark Levinson. Many others have reported similar experience. Sorry if no one likes to hear that, but it doesn't detract from the Oppo being a good unit for the price.
Sorry if no one likes to hear that...
I have no problem hearing this, what I am alluding to is that the differences you heard "may" not have been heard using a different DAC or the like.