Jay’s Audio CD Transport

I’m just curious if anyone has been able to see the black version of either the Jay’s Audio CDT2 or CDT3 in the flesh?

I haven’t been able to see either in person as of yet, but all of the photos I see are usually of the silver version. 

Im wondering what you have thought of the finish quality of the black vs the silver version. 

I ask as my other components are black and I’m just trying to decide which color to go with. 

Thank you and best wishes to you all,



@iflyhd Thank you for your reply!   It’s awesome to hear that you feel the black finish is great!   I think I will also choose the black as well.  

You had mentioned that even though the I2S works great, you actually prefer the aes output.  I’m curious if you had an opportunity to try the coax output?

Do you think that the quality of the cable is possibly more important than the actual digital output being used?  I’m just wondering 🤔 

Thanks again for sharing your experiences with me!

Best wishes,


@mbmi Hello and thank you for your reply.  I’m curious why you say to go for the CEC TL-5?

Have you compared the CEC with the Jay’s Audio transport?

What is it about the CEC that betters the Jay’s?

How do they differ sonically?

I actually am very open minded and I genuinely want to understand everyone’s opinions. 

Thank you and best wishes,


@8th-note I love your moniker 👍

 I truly appreciate your comprehensive reply!

It's interesting that you described the black finish as having a navy blue hue vs charcoal black. I haven’t heard that before. Regardless, as long as the finish is top notch, that’s what I’m looking for.  Does the navy blueish finish look out of place with your other black components?

I loved reading your comparison of the Teac and the Jay’s.  It’s interesting that there is not much of a sound difference between the two and that you find the dac plays a much larger role in the sound quality.  This makes me wonder if there would be much of a sonic improvement of using the Jay’s over me just using my vintage Rotel 955ax cd player as a transport?  I know this might be received as a silly question, but I’m just being honest and I admit that all of this digital stuff is new to me.  

Another sincere question… I have ordered a new LTA AERO dac.  It’s a NOS with no filters that I’m aware of.  Will my new Aero dac reap any sonic benefit by using the Jay’s 176 upsampling?

Thank you again for your comprehensive reply and sharing your very valuable thoughts and experiences with me!

Best wishes,



I have a PS Audio Perfect Wave Memory Player, which I was able to acquire for a very reasonable cost as a used sale item.

I was quite new to Digital as Source when this Transport was purchased, and can't say how it performs in comparison to other Transports of the reputation discussed in this Thread.

A HiFi Dealership is based approx' 20 miles from my home, who as part of their product line, offers Jay's Audio Transports. I have been tempted on a few occasions to pursue the experience of Jay's Transports but do not see myself as a buyer, so did not want to Tyre Kick. Maybe I should be more open minded and present myself as potential future customer, the impression made from the experience might just create such a mindset.

As for the PW Transport, there is plenty of guidance that is discoverable, that directs an individual to successfully exchange the Transports CD Drive as a DIY Task. Spare CD Drives can be bought for back up for reasonable monies. 

Don....I have not heard the Jay’s Audio unit But I have owned a CEC TL-5 now for almost 3 years.The BELT drive is just like a turntable) I believe it is superior to a direct when it comes to motor noise and rumble. This is the quietest transport I’ve ever heard. Quiet Black backrounds are eerie in the way they present music. There is a magic there!....Just my opinion and I have never had to replace the belt yet. .. They give you an extra one)