Jay’s Audio CD Transport

I’m just curious if anyone has been able to see the black version of either the Jay’s Audio CDT2 or CDT3 in the flesh?

I haven’t been able to see either in person as of yet, but all of the photos I see are usually of the silver version. 

Im wondering what you have thought of the finish quality of the black vs the silver version. 

I ask as my other components are black and I’m just trying to decide which color to go with. 

Thank you and best wishes to you all,



@oddiofyl Thank you for your reply!

I’ve been reading great things about the Teac, both here as well as on other forums.  I’m open to both top loaders and trays, but have heard some feel that the top loaders may be a little more reliable in the long run.  I personally have no idea, but I do know that Teac has a fantastic reputation!

I can honestly say that the Teac is definitely on my short list.  I’ve been basically always a vinyl guy over the last 50 years (and that is not going away for me) so I’m still trying to learn about the digital side of things.

A big thank you to you and everyone for sharing your thoughts, experiences and for helping me learn 😊

Best wishes,


Yes it is true, the CDT2 is a great sounding CDT. But the CDT3 is in fact one of the best sounding sources available at any price. Never thought I'd say that about a Redbook format device, but it is what it is. Speaking as a fellow audiophile we have tried to beat it with many expensive streamers and such but have been unable to. Even with external Master CLK'ing, eg Esoteric, which BTW did improve the device(s) it was connected to but didn't improve the CDT3 IME.

If you're looking for the best sounding CDT, the CDT3 is it IME.

TK of TEKAudioSpecialties



The combination of the more elaborate power supply and the upgraded drive unit give the CDT 3 Mk 3 a "bigger" sound. Fuller, deeper bass and "meatier" midrange come to mind off the top of my head. The CDT 2 Mk 3 is a great unit and if you don’t listen to it side by side with the CDT 3 in the same system you would be more than happy with it. Also I've tried upsampling with both units and it's just not for me.  I prefer the sound of the original sampling rate. 

There is a Gon Forum Member who has the TEAC VRDS 701t.

In their system it was coupled to a off board Esoteric Clocking Device? The outcome being the pairing transformed the Transports capabilities for an improved end sound substantially.

Not all, will be able to use a Clock as the one mentioned, it is costly, but Clocking Devices are to be found, as well as models that are now with DIY Tweaks that can be added. I am keen to dip my toes into the Waters to learn what can be achieved using the add on Clocks. 

Don.....I spent alot of $$ on a top of the line Marantz unit with a drawer. I've had it in for repair 3 times because the drawer won't open when a cd is in the unit or close ( I have to push the drawer in to close it.) The Top loader for me is the best. It also allows me to put a stabilizing disc on top of the cd and then the supplied "weight" goes on top of that. ( This is something you don't read about very often, but it changes the sound dramatically) ...If you love vinyl, the CEC will suit your taste very nicely. Good Luck to you.