The Old Measured Performance as the Criteria to decide if the Design for a Model is to supply the ubiquitous end sound that all who hear cannot deny themselves from purchasing
Years Spent taking the time to meet a large selection of Audio Enthusiasts. Ones Like Myself, as well as those who are EE Skilled, being very Capable of Building Audio Devices. Has shown to me, that a knowledge of how a Audio Device can be voiced for the end sound to be produced is the ultimate method to produce a Audio Device.
When voicing is done correctly, the Designer / Builder will have the say on the end sound, in a commission build the end user can also contribute to the devices voicing. It is having this understanding of Schematic - Topology and the needs for the devices Structure, that really makes a Audio Device wanted to be heard more in use and most likely will for many become a Device that is a Keeper.
The Measurements across many devices can be seen to be in the Ballpark of the Spec' that are usually looked at as being required. Skilled EE's see through the Published Spec' and can see where the complications with the Schematic is creating typical unattractive influences on the Signal being produced and having gain added.
As said in a previous post, a DIY Built DAC costing not too much monies, has sat very comfortably in the Company of more expensive Branded Models. On one occasion the DIY was instrumental in encouraging the owner of one model of a Branded DAC to sell their DAC. On another occasion the new Purchased DAC that was a replacement for the sold DAC, was a increased in purchase Model from the same Brand. This new upgraded model was not able to compare favourably either with the DIY DAC. It was only when a FW Update was added that the Branded Model was to be much improved match for the DIY DAC.
My subjective evaluation of the comparisons, especially following the most recent demo's of each in use, left me feeling either as SS Designs, either could be easily lived with in conjunction with my own commission built Valve Design DAC.
Having the 'sat in front off experience', not assessing measurements, goes a very long way to assist with finding the place that one would be best represented when deciding to direct their monies at a purchase.