My concern with Mofi, as is the case with all Andrew Jones speakers, is that after the initial intro dealers just start discounting them like crazy which has a detrimental affect on resale value. Harbeth is a known quantity and if you buy used can you always sell them at little or no loss.
Valid concern. There is a 50 point dealer markup so there is room for online dealers to discount MoFi, Focal, etc. I believe Harbeth doesn't allow dealers to discount...meaning if they do they get cut off.
One thing specific to Andrew Jones. He is known for making MK2 and MK3 versions of his speakers. I can almost guarantee you that he is already working on a MK2 version. He is very productive and he will find improvements. Smart business too...releasing an incrementally improved product prevents manufactures from competing with the used market for their own products.
Alan Shaw resists change and will only update his Harbeth line when he feels forced to. that's fine too