No More Fake Reviews - So Who’s Gonna Tell Us What To Buy?

Very interesting and with a fairly profound impact on our audiophile community:

Some strong language in the ruling. How are some of our YouTubers going to be able to sustain their channels without gifted products?



@y'all....."...problem solved...."

What?!  Don't trust 'The Experts' anymore?!

Silly ' you'll be claiming that your ears 'n emotions Don't get in Your Way....even if you've just gotten 'gifted' with the gadget AND the tour and golden shower option.....🙄

Guess it'll come down to dragging your ears and the rest of you off to the site and Listen To said gadget for yourself and making the yay/nay call on it....

"...the Pasttence 4100 sounded like a brick encased with overused stall sweepings..."

That'll make friends.... ;P

My two cents.

In the end, every reviewer is getting paid, whether it working for a magazine or YouTube likes. I for one can’t remember ever seeing a truly bad review, I have seen some with some dislikes. I have also heard many reviewers say that they won’t do bad reviews and that they turn down some products and that all makes perfect sense to me.
So in conclusion, I feel that if they tell you upfront that they bought the item at a greatly reduced price or that they were outright given the piece, there shouldn’t be a problem.

Yes if you must use reviews attempt to find a reviewer whose taste resembles your own. Harry Pearson kept equipment he liked for years and then returned it often beat to sh*t.