Is Recording quality the real culprit?

We spend Thousands on trying to improve the sound of what we listen to. But isn’t it really more of a problem that we can’t really overcome, eg. Recording quality? It’s so frustrating to have a really nice system and then to be at the mercy of some guy who just didn’t spend the time to do things better when things were being recorded.

Fortunately many artists make sure things are done well, but so many just don’t make it happen.

It can sound really good but just doesn’t have that Great quality we desire.

So why are we wasting our time spending so much money on audio equipment?


@ibmjunkman  Good One 🤣

As for AI entering the picture, I was very interested in George Martin's son using AI to dissemble and then re-mix the Revolver LP.  I assume if the time, money and interest were there, they could take a four channel recording and re mix it using a 32 or 64 track console and create a whole new and improved version of some classic LPs?  Will this be the next frontier of re-mining the archives?  Will it be done in stages?  First the 16 track version on 180 gram vinyl for $125, followed shortly by the 32 track version for $170 and so on and so on........    The list is endless of recordings that could be new and improved.

As your system evolves everything is improved, even bad recordings. It can be no other way. As others have said you just need to embrace the "suck" and look for the aspects of these bad recordings that you like better in the improved system. Far worse to put together a system that makes everything sound the same. I think this is the reason so many embrace vintage equipment. 

Yeah those terrible mastering technicians. Like they had the final say in how the performance was recorded. Its called appealing to the greatest number of folks and mixing for the most common playback devices. Always has to be someone to blame I guess. I tend to blame the artists more than the technicians. Yeah just do whatever you want just give me my cocaine. 


"Give me more cowbell"...Sorry couldn’t resist.

I think as has been stated most of the pop recordings today are made to appeal to the earbud generation. That is, compressed and constrained. Sad...


@mapman Science and technology provides the tools used to both create and playback recordings.    That part is not an art.   There are right ways and wrong ways to do it.

Is that why designing equipment is called State of the art?