Is "detailed" audiophile code for too much treble?

When I listen to speakers or components that are described as "detailed". I usually find them to be "bright". I like a balanced response and if there is an emphasis, I prefer a little more mid-bass.


It is a question, what say you all?


Systems can be detailed without being bright.  Or at least without being too bright. Detail may mostly be associated with treble but I find that real detail goes all the way down to the subs. 

Dear OP:

Yes. "Detailed" is definitely code for too much treble.

Not always, and not in every system. But it’s code for too much treble way too often to be ignored, IMO.

I’ve found a number of audio components that managed to be very detailed (ie, resolving) without being bright or edgy..But it took years of looking. Components like that are unicorns.

I’ve found a number of audio components that managed to be very detailed (ie, resolving) without being bright or edgy..But it took years of looking. Components like that are unicorns.

What, pray tell, were the magic unicorn components that you discovered that  provided detail without sounding "bright"?

There’s nothing magical about any of this. Components like this are typically not designed with ideal bench test measurements in mind. They happen when designers purposefully "voice" components to sound like real music, not exaggerated imitations of it. I believe it’s harder (time & $$ cost) to design in that manner

A few examples. All are quite resolving, also quite musical w/o exaggerated treble::

  • (NOS DAC) Metrum Onyx
  • (speakers) ATC SCM12 Pro passive monitors
  • (speaker amps) Bel Canto 600M monoblocks
  • (headphone amp/preamp) Violectric V281
  • (headphones) ZMF Caldera