Is Recording quality the real culprit?

We spend Thousands on trying to improve the sound of what we listen to. But isn’t it really more of a problem that we can’t really overcome, eg. Recording quality? It’s so frustrating to have a really nice system and then to be at the mercy of some guy who just didn’t spend the time to do things better when things were being recorded.

Fortunately many artists make sure things are done well, but so many just don’t make it happen.

It can sound really good but just doesn’t have that Great quality we desire.

So why are we wasting our time spending so much money on audio equipment?


I mainly listen to orchestral and jazzey stuff. I'm 71, so old guy. When I look at some of the vinyl that I have from the 60's and some of the new remastered or otherwise remade from original tape recordings from DG you see that the engineers and mastering are noted with pride. Some of the jackets even list the microphnes used to record the sound. It is after all, science. Steely Dan as an expample usually credited the technical side. It is so easy to record now to an OK degree we are loosing the appreciation for the science. Who wants OK? Not me.

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OP   So why are we wasting our time spending so much money on audio equipment?

Because we want the best what is available for now or near future. We always want the best clean sound recordings and many audio companies have improved the sound. So far, this is the cleanest sound recording and audio playback system yet. Alex/WTA

@megabyte I suspect that jazz drew the better engineers and gear due to 'cred'; a more 'established' popular genre with the cognoscenti while early R&R was a bastard child of 'the kids' who just wanted loud & raucous...

Then, acts like the G. Dead appeared that not only wanted to have feckless concert sound with the Wall of Sound, but recording that reflected the same.....

Art pushed tech, which pushed art, and the cycle still continues.... ;)

I like to peruse the sound gear at live concerts and events to see what's being thrown at us.  Given the amount of screens and sliders that even smaller venues are cropping up, AI-run sound in the studios isn't far off....

"...soon you'll be dancing to "The White Zone is for loading or unloading Only..."

F. Zappa, "Joe's Garage" (I forget if it's Act One or Two....)

...or the sound of camera drones fluttering about....

....or the prices of tix to concerts.....makes going to a baseball or B'ball game cheap in contrast.....

"Living in the modern world is like having bees in your head....."  Firesign Theatre.