CEC Belt Drive CD Transports vs Jay's Audio CD Transports


I currently have a new LTA Aero Dac on order.  I have a feeling that I will be soon be ordering a new CD Transport to go with the new Dac and am trying to narrow down the options.

I am strongly considering either the Jay's CDT2MK3/CDT3MK3; but would also like to hear more about the CEC TL5 and the CEC TL-2N belt drive transports.

I'm curious if anyone has had the opportunity to compare CEC with the Jay's?

I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences - whether they be good or bad before I decide to pull the trigger.

Thank you and best wishes to you all!


@whart Thank you for your reply!  I've been a vinyl guy for 50 years and love my analog rig and all my minty lp's.  However, I am noticing there is some great music that I am missing out on that I can't get on vinyl, hence the reason I am trying to step up the digital side of my system. Vinyl will still be my primary source though.

Do you think the CEC made gave you a big uptick in sound quality over the Oppo?

I agree, having service is huge!  The Jay's has a service center in Texas and it's nice to know CEC can be serviced in the US as well.

Thank you and best wishes,





Thank you to all of you for your posts!  I agree with you.  I have read from many that as good as streaming can sound, even with a very expensive streamer, a top notch cd transport and dac will outperform the streamer sound wise.  Hard to beat the streamer for convenience though I would guess.

My goal is to optimize my CD playback first (within my limited budget) and then at some point maybe add a quality streamer for more or less background music at some point into the future.

Best wishes,


@chayro Thank you for your reply!  Yes, the CDT3 is a heavy beast at 50lbs.  However, the CDT2 only comes in at 33 lbs, still heavy, but more manageable.

I'm happy to hear that you've been enjoying your CEC!  Which dac are you using with it?  Does you new combination of the CEC/Dac outperform the Naim you had?

What kind of differences do you notice, if you don't mind sharing with me?

Thanks and again and best wishes to you!


@oddiofyl Thank you for sharing your comments!  The Teac is a great machine by many accounts and I hope it gives you many years of great and reliable service.  I think I am personally leaning more towards a top loading machine myself.

Best wishes,


@no_regrets - I’m using the TL5 with an Audio Note Dac 2.1 Signature. I can’t say whether it outperforms the Naim because it was too long ago. But given that the Naim was 11k back in 2007, I have my doubts. You’ll find out soon enough.