Power amplifier longevity… thoughts?

Since I’ve bought a pair of Magnepan LRS+ speakers, I am searching for a used power amp with enough power and current to drive them as they deserve.

Some candidates come to mind and searching the used market (Hifi Shark) some are available for sale, for example:

- Classé CA-201

- Rotel RHB-10

- Acurus A200

- Muse 160

- Parasound HCA-1200 MkII

- Ayre V-1X

The possibility of buying a top quality amp at a friendly price is very appealing, especially comparing with todays new gear prices.

But the majority have way more the 20 years and one never knows the amp history, so there always the probability of a costly repair, and even the impossibility of restoration to the original specs when no parts or the service manual are available.

I wonder, in a general way, if an quality amp (and all parts) maintain the sound quality after all those years, needed only a check and bias adjustment.

Of course, in most hi-fi gear the capacitors and resistors are usually the first to need attention (change) but can those large caps (the size of a can of beer) last longer?



I love tub gear but at 20 years old there will be some issues with sockets, hot resistors and weeping caps. If you are not handy with a soldering iron budget for repairs.

Maggies LOVE Bryston 4B SST or 7B SST (or the cubed series if you have the budget). They come with a 20 year transferable warranty and have great sonic performance. Figure about 4K for a pair of 7B SST mono bocks with 700 watts. I have a pair that I use for my bass drivers and really have grown to love them.  (I use an Audio research VT 130 stereo amp to drive the mids/tweeters) 

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I own a Yamaha M70 I bought in 1982 had it tuned up this past year for the first time it still sound good in my living room. I have an Emotiva XPA5 I bought new in 2012 it still sounds awesome in my movie set up and currently am running a Pass Labs XA-25 in my main listening system I expect all of them to still be running when my kids divide up the my Will. Of all components I would be the least concerned about a power amps durability. My 2 cents. 

There are some valid points to all threads above, but a well designed product can last for decades. As far as PSU caps go, better amps will use higher temp rated caps (105 deg. C vs. 85 deg. C). High temperature operation is killer for caps. I have an Onix & Soap I purchased in 1987 and a Mac MC250 c. 1980 that work and sound perfectly fine. Tempest in a tea cup?

I'm new here and I don't want to do anything inappropriate but awhile back I posted that I have a new Pass Labs X5 power amp that has never been installed (boxed up for over 20 years). I asked for suggestions about powering this unit up after being stored so long. The best suggestion was to contact Pass Labs. I did and they were very helpful and offered to (for a price) test it for me but I think I'll do it myself when I have some time. I was originally planning on using it myself but I think I'll get rid of it. Anybody here have an Idea of what I should list it for here if it works?