The Rapid Rise (& Fall) of the CD

A few days ago, one of my favorite YouTube channels did a video on the CD. This channel (Asianometry) always does an incredible job telling the story of different technologies, technical industries and/or products.

I think most of you will find the 25 minute video to be very interesting.

Asianometry - The rapid start (& end) of the CD


@facten - why amused? Streaming for exploring is fine (not personally for me), but you have to like something and listen to what you like at least once a year. 3500 records = about 2600 hours of listening. That's more than a full time job if you do it in a year. 

I wasn't having an issue with 3500 records (although for me it is about triple the max I would ever consider manageable), it was 31,000.

I just don't like collecting anything with an actual use. I have no problem with stamps or coins or art or even cars that are investments (although that makes it more expensive for us drivers to get a more desirable car). To me, just because something is rare doesn't make it good (although it could be).

@sokogear I stated why I was amused so I’ll not repeat myself. And, I get that it doesn’t suit you or make sense to you to have 3500 or 31000 physical albums. That’s fine for you but in their cases you aren’t paying the freight , spending the time listening to them, and/or making the choice to collect them so it doesn’t really matter

My point is that it is impossible to find the time to listen to 31000 records.