New or Old DAC

I currently have an older Theta front end. Data ll transport & Chroma HDCD. I like it, even though it is old and discontinued. I would like to update my DAC first , I am looking for a Theta Pro Gen va. I know the sound of the older Theta stuff and like it. But, are there any newer DAC's out there in that $1K (used) price range that can really give an equal or better performance than the Pro Gen Va? Do the newer anti jitter (re-clocking) DACS fall into that price range?

thanks, mike
Jmcgrogan2- No-one is misinterpreting the Digital to Analog Converter chip to mean the Power Supply. Just don't understand how you can eliminate or exclude the Power Supply from the Digital to Analog Converter Chip Circuit. We are supposed to exclude any concideration of the Rectifying Power Supply Stage in discussing Tubes, fancy Caps or Resistors? If any of these are used in the Rectifying Power Supply, then they cannot be excluded from being part of the Digital to Analog Converter Chip Circuit. The Power Supply to ANY Circuit, IS PART of that Circuit! To argue otherwise, is being in denial of basic Electrical and Electronic Theory. There is no misinterpretation, bad English, or Drinking problem. There is simply YOUR inability to connect the Rectifying Power Supply TO the Digital/Analog Converter Chip Circuit. The Circuit will not work very well if it is SEPARATED from its Power Supply, but perhaps I am mistaken (hic!), and I need a whole HELL OF ALOT more booze to finally see things from your point of view!
Almarg- if you really are an E.E.- then you already know that the Power Supply to any Circuit, including an Digital to Analog Converter Chip Circuit, IS PART OF THAT CIRCUIT! Any distinction or interpretation WILL NOT CHANGE THAT FACT! You have got to have SOMETHING to conduct Current over the GAPS of your so-called "Distinctions" within a Circuit. Distinctions don't conduct current very well! I seriously doubt that your Distinctions would even insulate me from getting zapped if I were to touch a live circuit! Must I force you to actually touch the live Circuit of a Digital to Analog Converter Chip, and get zapped, before you will acknowledge that that Vacuum Tube Rectifying Stage DOES INDEED carry one hell of a punch? Since perhaps I don't understand English, I am mistaken there as well! If you want to continue working on live Circuits, thinking that Distinctions will insulate you from getting Zapped, perhaps I am indeed the Idiot for challenging your line of thought! Please, don't let me interfere with your work any longer!
Everyone-you can give up on me, but please don't give up on the Laws of Physics, nor Electrical and Electronic Theory! You might live a little longer, and you just might avoid earning that Darwin Award! The Power Supply to any Circuit is separate and distinct from the Circuit it supplies, well I guess there is no sense in unplugging anything then. Everything will be perfectly safe when playing around in a live Circuit! I would not recommend practicing Electrical Safety in accordance with the Electrical Theory of Jmcgrogan2 and Almarg, unless of course, you are the Frankenstein Monster! Face it Gentlemen, neither one of you are exactly Nicholas Tesla. You will indeed conduct Electricity! If you don't believe me, I have a special Posthumous Award for the both of you!
Please tell me that you don't prefer the sticking of of a fork in the Electrical Outlet, the same as your two friends Jmcgrogan2 and Almarg. Hey guys, there are only so many Darwin awards to go around! So exactly what kind of drug am I supposed to take to convince me that this is a safe exercise? Is there one that can completely destroy ones survival instinct? You keep on taking it, I think that I will pass!
You guys like playing around with a live circuit, because you believe that a Rectifying Power Supply is irrelevant? You might want to try putting your hand in a bucket of water while you do this, if you want to kick it up a notch, or you could even join hands! That should give you a nice, warm, fuzzy, and tingly feeling! Something told me that you, Cajunepe, would be a big masochistic fan of self imposed SHOCK TREATMENT! Just don't get hooked on it, you don't have that many brain cells to spare!
Damn it all, I guess that I will just have to split that Darwin award amongst the three of you! You guys could try something a little more safer and still get your kicks, something like Skydiving or Bungie Jumping! I guess you guys just like that tingling feeling too much!
You too, Cajunpepe, will conduct Electricity, but by all means you can go on argueing wth me till Hell freezes over that you don't! What do I know, I'm on Drugs!



Is that noise my breakfast cereal, or my Drugs kicking in? If it is neither, then (ZAP!) someone is spasming on the way to becoming a crispy critter! Naw, couldn't be, I must be drunk or my inability to understand English must be affecting my hearing! Why am I argueing with a trio of crispy critters anyways? Maybe they still have some arguement left in them, the way they are still happily jiggling on the floor? Is that a grimace or a smile on their faces? Oops- eyes just burst out of their sockets-they must be happy! I will be happy too, just as soon as I take some more drugs,but I don't think that I will be as happy as those three! Atleast they look happier!