Any owners of Schitt Bifrost 2?

I am in the market for a Schitt Dac. One of the main reasons why I am considering Schitt because they are upgradable.

Question is the Bifrost worth the money ? Or should I buy once and cry once and buy the Yggdrasil .

In the back of mind I am wondering is the Bifrost decent but nothing special like Prima Luma .




The two are a lot closer than the price difference would have you think. I have both.

I had the Bifrost 1 Multibit, which sounded great. I moved to a Yggy OG and it blows the Bifrost out of the water…

I had a Yggy LiM and loved it. Then I had a need for a DAC with a volume control so I ended up with a PS Audio DS Mk 1. It's easily better as far as detail and bass weight. Music just has more presence and "thereness" (hey, I invented a new buzzword!) with the DS. I would never disparage anyone that says the Yggy is their favorite DAC, though. It's excellent. I will say that now that I've experienced the difference an I2S connection makes the lack of one on the Yggy would give me pause. Of course, your source component(s) also need one so it may be a moot point for you.

I have a Bifrost 2 with PS Audio power cable, 

AudioQuest Cobra Interconnects,

Kimber Cable D60 digital cable 

AudioQuest Carbon USB Cable 1.5 meter

Just resent i added a Synergistics Research 

Purple Fuse, .75 inch, 300mA slow blow.





I also have a Bifrost 2 with PS Audio Power Cable

Audioquest Cobra Interconnects, 

Kimber Cable D60 Digital Cable, AudioQuest Carbon USB Cable.

Just Recently I added a Synergistics Research

Purple Fuse .75 in 500mA Slow Blow.