To mod or not to mod, dac is the question

I have recently purchased an Oppo BDP-83. I am very pleased with everything about it. But as all of us know audiophiles are CRAZY....sooooo...I am trying to figure out what upgrade would be the best bang for the buck to make it sound even BETTER. Understand that only one option is affordable and/or passes the WAF.

Do I Mod the BDP-83 or do I buy a good DAC?. Which option would improve the playback sound quality the MOST?.

I have been reading about some of the mods offered and it seems to be unanimous that mods do bring it up to a much higher level, but I also read about the platform and transport reliabilty issues and investing a fair amount of money in such. The thought having a DAC (never had one) if it significantly improves the sonics seems to be an attractive option as well. Well Audiogon ... weigh in!!
I agree with Bob. A separate DAC gives you more options and will hold its value. Whether the Oppo can be significantly improved is debatable, but one thing is certain, you won't recover the money you spend on mods.
weather tis nobler in the bits to suffer
the suffer the slings and error of outrageous digital
Or to take analog against a sea of bits
and by opposing them to sing, to sleep
NO more. and by sleep we say an end to upgrading
the heart-ache and the thousands spent
that sound is heir to, tis a consumation
Devoutly to be wished, to end upgrading
to listen perchance to soar, ay there the rub
with apologies to the original questioner and
William Shakespeare