Transparent Audio power cords

I have a question for experienced users about certain Transparent cords. The application is on a McCormack Audio DNA-500 amp (w/ the SMC audio Silver Plus upgrade) driving Focal Sopra 2 speakers. The cord in use now is a Transparent Powerlink MM2 (mm2x serial number). This cord was the next step above the Reference in the mm2 generation. The name of the Powerlink MM2 cord was changed to XL for the Gen 5 and Gen 6 products.

I have tried both the Reference Gen 5 and Reference Gen 6 cords on this amp which according to theory, they should sound better than the Powerlink MM2. Both are, in general, respectively, a step up in sound quality as would be expected. However, we now get to my issue, neither of the two Reference cords has enough "meat on the bones" compared to the Powerlink MM2. They are just lighter weight sounding. The likely thought is to try a Gen 5 or Gen 6 XL cord but, the price point for a new Gen 6 XL cord is getting uncomfortable.

So, will an XL cord give me that weight and solidity I'm after or might I want to be looking at another brand to get the sound where I want it to be while trying to rein in the cost.

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@acman3 , I've tried that, doesn't help. The more fanatical types see that as a challenge and an open invitation to continue to try to intervene in other people's lives to "save" them from themselves. Yet, I don't see the federal or state governments trying to put any of these "snake oil" companies out of business. They are entitled to their opinion and ought to just be happy with the type of audio equipment and type of sound that works for them and stop wasting their time and mental energy pestering the rest of us.

I always have a fear of being robbed and tied up with electrical cords. So I bought transparent cables because they are a lot thicker and you really can’t bend them easily so they aren’t very good for tying me up.


I have a old GE telechron table clock now that was pretty brilliant invention as some electrical engineer in  early 1920's / figured out we could use the USA A/C current @ 60 cycles per sec to keep time ! 
they made these until the 1960's ! quality kit ! i tore mine apart and rebuilt it ( the lubricant of the 70 year old motor gets solidified! ( let's try a synthetic ! ) 

any way i figured i would get more accurate timekeeping using an old computer UPS! just plug the clock into it.
the current is better regulated and the battery means a power outage the clock keeps running ! It works!  errors down to +/- 15 sec per diem 
i struggle to understand such vague terms i see here which can not be ,and have not, been operationally defined ! = defined according to how they are measured 
IF you will not submit your wonderful "better" cables for testing then sorry you can't say they are better . 
"more blackness" ?   quantify how much more "blackness" gee how do you measure "blackness" i thought that was a vision perception term LOL do blind audiophiles hear more or less "blackness" laughASK THEM ! 
people get triggered when they read BS it's human nature 
and as i belong to SAE and dream, design & even make some pretty trick parts of exotic metals ( ever heard of "clear aluminum " ? YES there really is such a thing ! ) It  has been used in fighter pilot 'glass " panels AKA bulletproof glass! 
So , nothing personal, iF WE SCOFF AT YOUR TALKING ABOUT, BUYING , ADVOCATING snake oil cables . 

I cannot propose, make &  sell parts that do not work ( and for big $  too! ) 
sorry , NO,  i doubt you CAN tell the difference and unless you do blind A-B-C etc testing you can prove nothing . save your breath . I did send a e mail to trans parent audio asked if they had any research results , data proving the cables work . 

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