Deqx pre8


im wondering if anybody here is a Deqx pre8 user?  I just received mine a few days ago and would love to connect with others as a possible information sharing thread.

thanks, Ted


Also, to follow up and add corrections to some of my previous posts.

Working backwards, if your are not able to connect deqxy3.local while using a VPN there is a simple fix at least for Windows 10 boxes. I’m sure there is something similar in Linux and MacOS if you have the same VPN connections issues there.

In Windows you need to edit your local Hosts file to hard code the hostname, deqxy3.local AND deqx-gen-4.local to be associated with their respective ip addresses.

To do this:

  1. Make a copy the file Hosts from C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc to your desktop.

  2. Open the file from your desktop with Notepad.

  3. On a new line after and below everything that is already in there type deqxy3.local deqx-gen-4.local

. . . is where you will substitute the resolved ip address of deqxy.local and deqx-gen-4.local. Use the cmd prompt then ping deqxy3.local and deqx-gen-4.local with VPN disabled to find it’s name resolution.

  1. Save and close the Host file.

  2. Copy the edited Host file on your desktop to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

  3. Paste the edited Hosts file here and overwrite the existing file.

  4. If should start working immediately but if it doesn’t you may need to restart you computer.

  5. After doing these steps you will probably want to set your the IP address of deqxy3.local and deqx-gen-4.local STATIC in your router so that DHCP will not assign it a different after a restart of your Pre-8.


As for covering the rear of your planer type dipole speakers during steps 1 and 2, what I’m finding now that covering the rear alone helps immensely but is not enough for excellent results . Apparently what happens is that certain frequencies still bounce off the coverings especially in the lower range. Yes, I’m now following Mike’s lead and will be ordering a number of 8" foam blocks in order to build a sallie to attenuate these lower frequencies as well as the mid and highs from returning from the wall behind the speakers back through the panel and into the calibration microphone. For what I understand, Mikes is now getting good calibrations on his Soundlabs.using the sallie. Thanks Mike!

FYI: I have been experimenting with a couple of 384kHz/32-bit FLAC music files and I found that the Pre-8 plays these files with no problem when rendered directly from my NAS through Volumio. There should not be any down conversion going on since the ESS Saber D/A chip in the Pre-8 should be able to easily render these files.

On the other hand, when the same files are served through LMS (Lyrion Music Server) through the LMS DNLA/UPnP bridge plug-in, the file appears to be playing when viewing its progress on the Volumio player screen, Though the Volumio screen states that the file is in-fact 384kHz/32-bit and progresses right along, I do not hear any sound. I’m still trying to figure this one out.

A fascinating discussion - found it by googling the new Pre-8.

Years ago I played (suffered) with the HDP series. Larry made things effortless and was a phenom but at the end of the day I found that this devices is more for people that like to play rather than listen to music. It was simply too complicated to set up, but even after setting it up it suffered from bugs that would remove the romantism from listening to music. Often times it would start to pop, or bug out / crash and so forth. This was an HDP-5.

I, too played with ribbons. Apogee Scintilla and then other open baffle speaker designs (of my own, or 3rd party). I finally gave up once I heard the units were being discontinued and thought maybe I'd give it another go with the newer "beta" units. But from what I'm reading here the issues are there but in a different way. And yeah, the strange random lack in comms from the HQ company didn't help. They would pick and choose when to respond and you really didn't feel supported at times. Somehow whenever I get the bug to go "active", after staring at more amps, more wires and dealing with bugs I get the "let's go back to basics", plug in the stock crossover, less amps and wow the sound is just better. Or maybe it's just more reliable. Forrestc I hope you keep it up and convince me to try it again. 

and I should quantify I'm an IT engineer, deeply understand computing, enterprise networks and electronics. So if it was tough for me, I couldn't imagine others (watching your response above about modifying the host file / vpn's, resolving .local DNS entries and the likes made me wince! - not because you were wrong per say but imagine the audience even understanding what that is lol).