Upgrade speakers or DAC

Next upgrade is going to be either Front L/R speakers or streamer. Current speakers are Sonus Faber Olympica III, looking to upgrade to Il Cremonese. Streamer is Cambridge Audio Edge NQ looking to upgrade to dCS Rossini APEX.
Which upgrade will make the most significant improvement?


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When upgrading I tend to go with whatever the weakest link is at the time, and in your case I think the streamer is your weakest link by a good margin.  I’d encourage you to look at Aurender, Grimm, and Innuos as well.  Best of luck. 


I would suggest you move up the Sonus Farber line. I am breaking in a pair of Amati G5’s and am really enjoying them.

All the best.

BTW,  what kind of music do you listen to?

You have made a big mistake not having better speakers all along, your system is like having a 500 hp engine and exhaust through a ½ inch pipe.


#1 What do you not like about the sound coming out of this stuff? Or what would you like changed, hear more of/less of? If you don’t have a clear answer in your mind to such questions, the word "upgrade" doesn’t mean much. It could also easily turn into a "upgrade", "sidegrade" or "downgrade" into a type of sound you don’t like. Spending more and more above a certain price bracket is no guarantee of anything.

For example, if the soundstage is a bit too 2D, not 3D enough for your tastes, the Mac could be a culprit, has some 2D flattening/flat wall making tendencies....If the sound is a bit too soft, not a whole lotta detail, just generally unexciting or too much sleepy time/yawning resulting from sound, it could be the Faber (for you, that is...your personal taste o’ meter)....Some other guy’s taste o’ meter may be somewhere else and your gear may be perfectly fine for him, it could be "organic" and "musical" for him.

#2 No mention of any treatment on your comment, so, I would say that if all this stuff is just plopped down in a room with no treatment, an upgrade doesn’t mean much either. Scroll over to about 3:30 on this youtube video. It should provide a tad amount of insight about spending cash in the right places.

What More Do You Want?


i only listen to music in 2 channel, but current system:

Dedicated 20amp line

AQ Niagara Edison outlet

AQ Dragon power cords and interconnects throughout

AQ Thunderbird Biwire speaker cables for Front LR

AQ Thunderbird Zero speaker cable for Center Channel

AQ Vodka Ethernet cable

AQ Niagara 7000

McIntosh C2500

McIntosh MC1.2kw (X3 for LCR)

McIntosh MX160

Mcintosh MC207

McIntosh MCD205

Cambridge Audio Edge NQ

Fisher MT-6225 Turntable


Sonus Faber Olympica III

Sonus Faber Olympica I

Sonus Faber Vox

REL 212 SE (X2)