Which External Linear PSU Upgrade for my Router?

I'd like to upgrade the wall wart PSU on my Netgear Nighthawk RAX50v2 router to a linear PSU. 

The output is 12v, 2.5A 30W

I'm looking at a LHY Audio one - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005350110413.html

But i'd like to know what else is out there. Would appreciate your thoughts. 


@campo007 Don’t buy low quality things that may set your house on fire.

The router doesn’t need that great of a linear PSU. Something like this Topping unit should be ok.

If you need to do a streamer or DAC with a linear PSU, don’t get any lower than this KECES unit for $550. It has 2 outputs and you can vary the output voltage for your use case, i.e. has more utility. Or you can try the KECES P8 for $900.


Putting a $2000 LPS on a $200 router really doesn‘t make sense. That said upgrading with a $100 Aliexpress lPS made an audible difference. 

I bought a linear PSU from AliExpress costing me AUD $400. Let's just the difference wasn't subtle. Very positive and far exceeded what i paid for it. 

Then i upgraded the DC cable to the Ediscreation. Again, a very positive change.