Time For a CD Player Upgrade

I've been using a Rega Saturn Mk 2.  I recently upgraded my turntable to the Mark Levinson 5105 w/ the Ortofon Quintet Black S.  In comparison my CD's are sounding overly bright.   Any thoughts on a comparable upgrade to my CD listening?  My budget is about $4000-5000, new or used.  The Hegel Viking looks interesting.  Any recommendation for an upgrade will be appreciated. 





I concur with the above- your REGA player should not sound bright.  Something else is going on within your set-up. Plenty of excellent Player suggestions as well.

Keep me posted on which spinner you purchase.


Happy Listening!

UNQUESTIONABLY, there are four or five candidates in this price range that would be exceptional performers. But here's the thing. A CD player, as is the case with a turntable package, can be a reflection of personal listening capabilities and preferences. Different people hear differently. Making an absolute recommendation can be a quite random situation.

I don't know how you went about selecting your new turntable package. Truthfully, the same can apply to this music playback media. Your REGA player has always been considered one of the top picks in your price range, with a very accurate musical playback character. On the opposite side of the fence, I can only state that your choice of cartridges is not one of my favorites. I have owned two, and finally moved to what I feel is a pickup with greater "musical truth and accuracy". That being said, if you have any past experience at all, setting up a turntable arm/cartridge package on various turntable bases, can be technically difficult at best. I can only add that my experience with you pickup, as used with both a PRO-JECT and a TECHNICS turntable, left me with the feeling I have already stated. Compared to both of my CD player's reproduction character, I found the cartridge to be more two dimensional, leaving the sonic impression of a brighter character.

WELL, so much for that.  WHAT IS MY RECOMMENDATION - - - - - - - -??

Don't spend the kind of money you are suggesting on a CD player (EVEN AN ESOTERIC) without having done an extensive listening audition.!!  To me this piece of audio equipment is such a "subjective" choice, that to do otherwise, could be a financial disaster.

Unfortunately, having access to a "brick and mortar" audio studio can be most problematic for many people. I hope that is not the case for you.

Also, I do not recommend making this type of choice based upon attending audio shows. A TERRIBLE VENUE TO SHOWCASE AND MAKE BUYING DECISIONS (PERIOD.) 

One thing I am curious about; - - - - before the new TT and cartridge came into the picture, how did you feel about the sonic character of the REGA? Did it seem overly bright to you (reflecting a high frequency over accentuated reproduction curve?) The REGA should have a well-controlled, flat high frequency response.

The one variable I might mention, that obviously differs between the TT and the CD player could be the interconnect cables you are using in either case.. Also, something to look into might be phono preamp settings and character. Another possible culprit.






I missed "giatsalami's" posting.

I have to admit that I agree 1000% with this gentleman.  AYON is unquestionably the "BUGATTI of Audio". I didn't mention it for two reasons; - - -COST and not knowing how you might feel about "tube-based audio equipment"

I have owned, borrowed, and auditioned so many pieces of audio gear over the past 70 years that I have almost lost track mentally. But without a doubt, AYON stands out in the component genre with almost no peer at any price. And there are currently several marvelous designs out there that come closer and closer to "reality".. A complete top of the line AYON system paired with the right loudspeakers,. and you could float away to heaven.


I've never heard a Rega Saturn CD player, but my assumption is it does a great job at playing CDs. Get a high quality DAC, and run the Rega into the DAC.....there are dozens of threads here on good DACs at multiple price points. Denafrips Pontus II 12th or 15th, Denafrips Terminator II, Holo Audio May DAC, Weiss DAC, Musical Fidelity

Soix also made a good recommendation: get a Denafrips Pontus II (12th or 15th), and a Denafrips DDC like the Iris or Hermes.........and you've got a great starting point for $2,400 new as well (this is what I am still using)