speakers that are a little laid back in the mids

I'm just curious what full range speaker people have found where the mids, voices etc are not so up front. I have had my share of speakers and some I considered to be very good but over time seem to be on top of you. Not necessarily harsh however. My room is 13 x 16 and I have used tubes and ss.


Revel F208

If you read the Stereophile review you see they have  dip between about 1000Hz and 3000Hz which gives them a slightly recessed prescence region.Imaging is also not as forward as most .They do not really mention that in that review but others have commented on it and that is how they sound to me.Very smooth and rich sounding speakers.

My Vienna Acoustics Beethovens circa 2000-2004 have that slightly recessed mid from around 6-800hz to around 3khz is a smiley face. I'd owned the Kef R105/3 for around 12 years before buying them (ruler flat response) so when I'd swap the VA's in and turn the volume up so vocals sounded the same the VA's sounded so much more impressive and detailed in the highs and lows specifically because of the recessed mids. I've bought and sold at least a half dozen more expensive speakers since but the VA beethovens stay in my living room.

The key is finding a combination of speakers and amplifier which glorify the midrange not hype it. 

Sophia Electric has some organic sounding amplifiers EL 34 and 300B and more. The devores might be highly resolving and organic. Not a big fan of horn loaded tweeters, they tend not to have the midrange fullness that I appreciate.