Transparent Audio power cords

I have a question for experienced users about certain Transparent cords. The application is on a McCormack Audio DNA-500 amp (w/ the SMC audio Silver Plus upgrade) driving Focal Sopra 2 speakers. The cord in use now is a Transparent Powerlink MM2 (mm2x serial number). This cord was the next step above the Reference in the mm2 generation. The name of the Powerlink MM2 cord was changed to XL for the Gen 5 and Gen 6 products.

I have tried both the Reference Gen 5 and Reference Gen 6 cords on this amp which according to theory, they should sound better than the Powerlink MM2. Both are, in general, respectively, a step up in sound quality as would be expected. However, we now get to my issue, neither of the two Reference cords has enough "meat on the bones" compared to the Powerlink MM2. They are just lighter weight sounding. The likely thought is to try a Gen 5 or Gen 6 XL cord but, the price point for a new Gen 6 XL cord is getting uncomfortable.

So, will an XL cord give me that weight and solidity I'm after or might I want to be looking at another brand to get the sound where I want it to be while trying to rein in the cost.

Ag insider logo xs@2xmwh777


I believe that Transparent MM2 Series (Reference, Reference XL and OPUS) still holds up well in 2024. As above, the newer GEN5 and GEN6 is a more balanced Power Cord(PC) from top to bottom.  Keep me posted if you choose a different brand PC for your McCormack amp.


Happy Listening!

"the Reference Gen 5 and Reference Gen 6 " or whatever they name their power cable we call them snake oil. The best power cord is the one that comes with the unit but if you care about aesthetics go buy a 10awg power cable on amazon. Don't get fooled and waste money.

     Don’t waste a microsecond, reading the blather from the deaf, delusional, and divergent (from fact).

     No one can tell you whether/how your system, room and/or ears will respond to some new cabling/wires.   There are simply too many variables.

     The only way you’ll know for certain, is try them for yourself.

     The least expensive way: contact the guys at The Cable Company and take advantage of their lending library.

     For a pittance, you can try a few of their offerings and the rental fees are applied to any purchase made.

                       Whether to explore/spend further: up to you!


I am willing to learn so I wanted to find out more about the cable lending library and perhaps put a number on the word "pittance", but I could not locate that information on their site.

I did learn though that a person can buy a set of four Royal Double Crown LS jumpers for $7,600. That's jumpers to connect the 2nd set of (unused) binding posts to the 1st set, in case one's speakers are not properly bi-amped.