The Mk 3 is using a SC OXCO, which is to be found in off board Master Clocks.
The SC Crystal is housed in a casing referred to as the OXCO ( Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillators ). Oven Controlled being the regulator to keep the SC Crystal at a optimum Temperature.
The output frequency fluctuates from the optimal operating at 10MHz when the Ambient Temperature the Crystal is exposed to has changed. The SC Crystal is the most stable of Crystal Cuts when exposed to Temperature Fluctuation.
I would imagine, not the best way to describe what is occurring during burn in, that as the OXCO has been exposed to an extended period of consistent temperature. The advantages of this environment being in place in conjunction with other components having a period of current run through them, will become discernible as an end sound, to the recollections of the earlier periods of using the Mk 3.