FirstWatt SIT-3 or Pass Labs XA25 for Avalon Indras?

Hi, I have a dilemma, SIT-3 or XA25 for my Avalon Indras that are 87db and 4ohms? 
I use to listen at night at low volume, mainly chamber music and opera, but also orchestra. I like the warmth and three-dimensionality and the reverb of music auditoriums.
The preamp is a Dissanayake custom tube and the speakers are the Avalon Indra, both wonderful.
Of the SIT-3 I read that it drives 4ohm well, that it has a warmer sound and has more soundstage than the XA25, all of which leads me towards this model.
Of the XA25 it struck me that it goes down to 2ohm and is very detailed.
Power is not the key point, if I listen to music during the day the knob never goes beyond half of the current power amp which is a 50W Bartolomeo Aloia Micropal.
The aim is to have magic and involvement at low volume.

Thanks in advance for suggestions!




Per the Stereophile review of the SIT-3 they measured 8.4 watts at 8 ohms when it started clipping. I had been interested in Forst Watt amps. If you must try one, the J2 would have the best match with your speakers.  They often come up for sale. Good Luck,

First Watt SIT-3 power amplifier Measurements |

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but your Avalons have a reputation for being power and current hungry. Either of these Pass designs would leave you wanting, especially at low volumes. I have little doubt that even Nelson himself would tell you something similar. 

Pass makes some fine amplification, but so do many others. You’re better off trying a higher power Coda or Ayre amp. The XA25 is rated at 25 WPC for good reason. Certainly, it can output more before it reaches “clipping” at 1%THD, but it clearly sounds strained when doing so. It simply isn’t a high current design, neither is the SIT-3.

The best advice I can give is to cancel the Stereophile and TAS subscriptions. Those pubs survive off of keeping audiophiles on the merri-go-round. Some of the most underwhelming gear I’ve owned and experienced was praised by those rags. 

@ulul 4 Ohms isn't a good load for the SIT amps and is marginal for the XA25. These amps are not high power and really are much better suited for slightly higher impedances since they tend to run warm- lower impedance loads (like 4 Ohms) will make them run warmer.

There are class D amps now that have every bit the quality of sound you seem to be looking for, but no heat (and unsurprisingly) more power. You might want to consider widening your search.

Go to and get a Belles Amp...I have the Aria Integrated rated at 70 watts @8 ohm...It would drive the A's nicely.