SACD Players


New member here. I am looking to add an SACD player in order to play the DSD layer of SACD directly. Based on my research I have shortlisted PS Audio Direct Stream Memory player and McIntosh MCT500.

Option 1) I currently own McIntosh MA5300 which means I can use MCT500 with supplied DIN cable connected to MA5300’s DA1

Option 2) Purchase PS Audio Direct Stream Memory player and DirectStream DAC MK1 (Both discontinued)

From what I understand the memory buffering and Air Lens would make the media sound better. Whereas, I haven’t found many reviews on MCT500.

Both options would roughly cost the same. I am looking for the better sound. Which option is better? Any advice or insights would help.

Thank you,




Welcome! McIntosh and P.S. Audio both have strong followings. P.S. Audio even has their own Forums as well. Might be worth a look to interpret fans/owners of the Direct Stream Player and DAC MK1.


Happy Listening!

Thank you for responding. I will go over to PS Audio forum and post this.  

Esoteric is out of my budget :)

Shanling won't send the DSD layer to the DAC

I don't think Esoteric players are much more expensive than those options, if you're looking at a K05XD. The discrete DAC on the Esoteric alone will be significantly better than those options.