Separates vs Integrated

Hi, my current set up consists of a Coda 07x Pre, Krell 300 XD Duo.  I almost exclusively stream with a Lumin U2 mini with S-Booster feeding a PS Audio Direct Stream MKii.  

I get drawn into thinking a really well done Integrated could be as good or better, something like the Hegel H600.  Logic being the synergy the Hegel should have outweighing the potential debatable benefits of separates.  Taking out of the equation my current set up has more flexibility, assuming I would likely keep the Lumin, crazy to think the integrated would match my current set up? 



About three years ago, I had to downsize my audio system because I had to move  from a very large room in the house to a smaller room in the house.  After extensive, exhaustive research and auditioning, I opted for the Hegel H590 integrated amp to drive my power hungry Revel Salon 2 speakers.  All I can tell you is this, the Hegel H590 has become my end-game amplification for the foreseeable future.  Happy listening.

Try an AudioNET Pre 1 G3.  You see them here for under 4k.

It was  my first taste of high end.

We are Kell and Coda dealers you have a great amp and preamp the issue we would have is the Coda preamp is a little too neutral we would recommend looking at either upgrading the coda to a tube preamp or upgrading your streamer the Lunin is very good however the 432evo servers sound way more analog then the Lumin


we compared the Aeon to a 27k Innous statement next gen and the Aeon sounded just as good.

Dave and Troy

Audio Intellect NJ

krell Coda and 432evo dealers



I was a Krell aficionado for years, well maintaining a KSA 300s and KRC HR recapping them every 5 years.  On my last recap schedule my Krell dealer provided me with a Burmester 032 integrated amplifier a customer of his was selling as a loaner until service was completed   Within 15 minutes of him leaving with my Krells, I was on the phone with him saying he was not getting the Burmester back, negotiating a deal for him to keep the Krells and for me to purchase the Burmester.  Gone was the dark, heavy Krell signature sound.   It was replaced with a clarity I never experienced before.  That clarity was achieved with an a tube like midrange and treble but without tube like thickness. Compared to tubes I have experience with and with my old Krells, there was improved speed, transient response, leading edge, micro & macro dynamics, imaging and soundstage.  Of particular note was improved retrieval of secondary harmonics, decay, and ambience retrieval similar to good tubes I have heard such as AR, but in a SS platform. i did not loose anything in bass response even though I went from 300 to 105 WPC into 8 ohms.  My speakers are not that efficient (87db) but there is no issue in driving them. There are not many pro reviews on the 032 but the 911 power amp is well reviewed and describes the Burmester sound as I have described.  It has all the inputs anyone will need. I do not know your budget. It is expensive.  A used 032 will run $10 to $12k.  New is $25k.  If you can afford new, it is not a good buy unless you get a discount.  A new model, the 232 is coming out with integrated DAC/Streamer.  Other good integrated include offerings for Bolder, CH Precision, D’Augostino.  Todays top of the line integrateds are more than competitive and perhaps equal or better to separates. 




the older Krell gear is not as good as the newer gear I used to work at a Burmeister dealer great gear but its signature could be too cool for some listeners the key is synergy and if your speakers were too warm warm the the Burmeister would be a better match.

and unless you spend  20k or above the ops current system with a few tweaks would outperform most integrated amplifiers.


Dave and Troy

Audio Intellect NJ.