Open baffle speakers

Open baffle speakers design is the simplest , to get bass response similar to other design , like ported, the baffle size must be huge to avoid low frequency degradations . Tipical size the baffle   width 10-20"  got weak  bass performance.   I am wondering how open baffle speakers design became so popular ?


Check out Clayton Shaw's Caladan OB speakers. All the nice things said of a very good speaker. Sorry, I am not good with words but listen to what the buyers said of their Caladans.


I have a pair of DIY 8" OB from the Decware site. VERY happy with them. I like them because of their efficiency and no xover - so very simple. The signal goes from my TT to pre-amp to amp to driver. cabinet is MDF and front is 2 x 3/4" maple.

I have about 100 hours on the Caladans. I hear refined  and tight bass pluckings of bass guitars I never heard of (listening to the same song for years).

@bache No, I like them fine, just saying that you aren’t paying for that on most OB speakers. Your money should be going to making the other components better on OB designs.

Would someone prefer the OB Caladans at $3500 or say the pretty Ash veneer of Monitor Audio Silver 500 7G speakers at $3400?  Guess it depends on their room and other associated equipment.