Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Turntable working on and off

My Pro-ject TT is working again, but 3 times this year it has shut down and won't spin.

After the 1st time, I took off the band and put it back on, and not much else except for that. It worked fine for a while.

2nd time - I got a new band. Started working again.

3rd time, removed the inner platter and re-placed it, and the put the band back on. It's working again.

It's not a connection issue as far as I can tell.

It's fine now, but I can't feel confident it will stay this way.

It's about 9 or 10 years old. Great when it plays...

I've gotten lazy about picking up the tonearm when an LP ends, and have let it stay on the run-out for a while a bunch of times. I've since stopped doing that, but I wonder if that had an effect.

What do you consider the problem and potential solution might be?

Thank you.



What made you think there was a problem with the “band” in the first place?

I didn't think there was a problem, necessarily, but it was suggested on this forum that replacing it might help since the original was getting old. So I went with that and got a new one.

For example, if the motor is running but platter is stationary, you might think there was a problem with the “belt”. Was that the case? If motor doesn’t run, then there’s no reason to suspect that the root cause of the platter not moving has to do with the belt. So what did you observe?

Yes, once I removed the belt, I could see the spindle that the belt sits on moving.

So - lift the platter, nothing's moving. Remove the belt, see the spindle moving. Put the belt back on, spindle, belt, and inner platter are all moving. Put the outer platter back on and it's playing.

I don't know if something is holding the inner platform from turning? I don't understand why removing the belt and then putting it back on makes it turn.


Either motor is dying (losing power) or like you say there’s friction somewhere that the motor only intermittently overcomes. But if records sound normal in terms of tempo, then I would either doubt friction hypothesis or look for an intermittent cause. Take the whole thing apart. Clean and relubricate the bearing. Check that platter spins freely. Make sure belt fits snugly around pulley and platter. Etc.