pro-ject cd box rs2 vs jays audio cd2 mk3

I have been following a lot of posts here , but I have not read of any comparisons as of the 2 transports . I am on the fence about the 2 transports as it does not seem that there is to many choices in that price range. I can purchase both transports for about the same price . any body compare them yet or have any other thoughts . thanks

@charles1dad    Thought you might find it interesting that Total DAC is coming out with a new (first for them?) transport fitted with the SU CD Pro 8 mechanism. I have not seen a price so far. 

@no_regrets, although the transport is light in weight, it does not move around at all. I do not hear my disc spinning and the unit is absolutely quiet. I have the upgraded transport that the company makes and it sits right next to the transport and I have no issues. I know that’s not the power source you’re asking about, but that’s what I am currently using.

@lak Hello and thank you for your reply!

It's good to know that the transport does not move around at all while operating it's lid.

So are you saying that you are using Project's own upgraded LPS?  

Do you have the LPS siting right beside the transport or is it best to keep them far apart?

Would you be willing to share with me what other transports you have used and how the Project differs in sound qualities from the others?

I have just recently bought the LTA Aero Dac and am in the market for a new transport and am considering the Project, Jay's Audio and CEC.

I am concerned with all of the Q.C issues the Project seems to be having.  I'm not even sure if I can find one in stock at the moment.

Thank you and best wishes to you,




I'm using Projects own Power Box RS uni, I'm not saying that its better then other power sources because I have not heard them. My Power Box sits 1.5" away from the Transport because I have a full rack and there is no place else to put it, however I don't detect any sonic interference. I have not owned or heard any of the other transports you are considering so I can't help you with sound qualities. If you don't hear back from other people that have posted in this forum that have heard the transports you are considering you might want to message them directly through Audiogon. Hopefully you can get some answers to your questions.

@lak Thank you for your reply!  It's good to know that you can have the LPS next to the transport and not hear any interferences.  I, like you, am running out of shelf space too and was thinking that with the Project being so diminutive in size, it might make sense to have both pieces side by side.


Thank you for your help!
